Prayer: Dick Kretchman
Pledge of Allegiance: Stu Lucker
Song: Don Lucker, God Bless America
Happy/Sad Bucks: Dan Garry, gender reveal of grandson
Queen of Spades: Bob Fratino, $20
President's comments: Welcome prospective members, Nancy Neal, and Kristen Magyar
Fundraiser:  Bob Fratino said they will be meeting with Randy from St. Noel's on Thursday, March 23, alcohol is being purchased, sponsorships are coming.  He passed around the volunteer sheet for jobs and mentioned that clean up help is most welcome.
Laurie Benjamin introduced our speaker from Trishy Farm, Patty Klatt who spoke to us about her husband becoming interested in beekeeping.  They have 200 hives and make several products from the honey.  We learned how hives are divided after they "overpopulate" to keep the bees healthy, as they become crowded and overheated.  She explained how a new queen is established in the new hive.  She and her husband have just purchased a farm in Munson Township and plan on converting one of the buildings into a commercial outlet for their products.