This Week's Program was . .
September 17, 2024
Today our speaker was Matt Sabo, Concord Township's Fire Chief. Prior to Concord Township having their own fire department in 1948, the residents were serviced by Painesville City Fire Department. They still work closely together to meet the needs of the residents. They have 2 stations that service approximately 25 square miles. They built a new facility about 1 year ago and the other is near the Snoopy house on Prouty Road.
The calls received yearly are for a lot of different reasons, but 85-90% of the calls they receive are for EMS services. They pride themselves on their quick and accurate response to emergencies. They are connected with a wonderful doctor at UH who helps them in many ways to meet the needs' of the residents of Concord Township. They need to know which hospital in the area is best for which emergency. They need to quickly assess the situation and get the patient the help they need while transporting them to the appropriate facility. Matt also said that their goal is during a situation where a resident may be having a heart attack, they want to get them to the hospital and in the cath lab 90 minutes or less, from the initial call to dispatch. A small percentage of calls are for actual fires. He said fire fighting is actually a low risk-high training position at the Fire Department.
Matt said firefighters have many jobs. They are educators of the community as well as life long learners themselves. They provide many public safety educational opportunities. They teach injury and illness prevention, emergency preparedness, first aid, CPR, they help with smoke detectors, and they do child safety seat inspections. They even teach babysitting classes to young people in the community. But he said, most of all they love going into the schools and teaching fire safety!
He briefly spoke about the levy they are hoping to pass in November. He asked that everyone just be an informed voter prior to election!
Matt Sabo, Fire Chief of Concord Township.
September 24, 2024 our meeting will be at Zapp's Mustard and Custard shop. Our speaker is Jon Bullis, Salvation Army Painesville Corps.